my very non-australian day
So after 26 hours of flying, I have finally ARRIVED into aarhus, denmark.
this is the city of Doha. The middle east ;)

And when i arrived at my gate, I saw that all flights to the states had to go through ANOTHER security pass to their own gate. i found this quite interesting.
was it because it was the middle east?
but this is as much of the middle
east as i'd see.
for now,
Ok. this meal:

this morning we went for a walk
i live here.

this was my doha-copenhagen meal.
but the only 2 meals i had in 24 hours were the same.
eggs. surprise chicken in the egg. cold bread, hard butter. fruit that left me wanting more.
i was
a big glug for 26 hours.
a big glug for 26 hours.
i met bridget in copenhagen
(for those who didn't know, Bridget was the scholarship winner from over in queensland. we were put in contact with eachother as the only 2 aussies coming to denmark to study our course.
as we emailed, we realised we were VERY similar, and so we decided to live together! we compared our itnieries and realised we had bought the same flight into aarhus. we both arrived 1 week before the semester began. )
we boarded our plane to aarhus that we had both so serendipitously booked!
this is copenhagen. i wanted to put up a picture of aarhus, but it was really foggy coming through the clouds.
but aarhus was pretty similar to this :)

quite different to the heatwave i came from!
coming down through the clouds as we landed into aarhus was the MOST surreal feeling i think i've felt.
i'd put this song on and ended up landing to it:
i think i almost cried.
i was so choked up and grateful to God for everything He had orchastrated.
bridget and i gathered our bags and boarded the bus into aarhus.
we met the people from the church i'd emailed
(which i'd asked whether anybody would like to put up two christian exchange students for the week before our semester started!)
(which i'd asked whether anybody would like to put up two christian exchange students for the week before our semester started!)
louise and christian had responded to the email
and took us back to christian's apartment
and invited some other friends over to share a traditional danish meal.
they named it some extravagent danish name,
but really it was pork meatballs, bald potatoe, gravy and beetroot.
i'm not a big meat and potatoes eater,
but it was delicious.

excuse the awkward angles.
we really wanted a picture of our first night in aarhus.
this morning we went for a walk
it was lovely.
this was the most amazing hot chocolate i've ever had.
then louise shouted us brunch.
we are blessed.
i live here.

we went to the local markets and bought fresh fruit,
and i tried doing some pilates with my frozen limbs to try get my muscles going again.
but i gave up because i don't really know how to do pilates.
running isn't quite the option since i don't know where i am.
but christian goes running alot, so maybe i'll try join him one day
hee hee!
people all meet indoors together and share meals
because it's too cold to hang out outside.
it's currently -2C.
we're off to some friends of louise and christian tonight.
they go to the church too.
we're going to watch some eurovision talent show.
ok well.
bridget's currently passed out on the bean bag.
our body clocks are still adjusting.
i might go buy some yoghurt from the corner store to have with my fruit.
happy australia day!
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