For my dad
So reflective !
This past year I have re-evaluated my beliefs, my looks, my career choice, and my values. Probably because of one person who meant more to me than anybody else in 2015 decided to critique it all.
But when I asked that person to leave my life in 2015, I stood stronger in my beliefs, more secure in my natural looks, my fervent in my social work career, and more grounded and sure of my values.
I don't take that resilience for granted.
I got too much sleep last night, sleeping in till midday on New Year's Day. I couldn't sleep tonight so at 12.45am I was mindlessly tidying my childhood bedroom.
I just discovered a letter dad wrote to me for me to open on my 21st birthday, when I would be away in America.
Here's the letter:
As I read it, I realised: This is why I was resilient in 2015. This letter is a snapshot of what my dad has told me for my whole life. It doesn't take a psychologist to know that a girls self concept and self esteem is shaped largely by her father.
I was resilient through an incredibly painful aftermath because of my dad. His love from childhood gave me self esteem that could only be temporarily deflated. His love gave me the ability to be curious about life and love, but to bounce back if my fingers got burnt. Most importantly, My dad's love gave me the ability to accept and be grateful for all the love that my Heavenly Father has for me. And to believe it all.
So thanks Dad. You did and do more than you know. I know you don't believe in God (yet) but I do know God will reward you somehow !! I love you.
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