Hummingbird Hearbeat

Today, my acceptance into VIA College University, Denmark was signed, sealed and delivered.

A few years ago, I came back very from travelling very travel-sick
So I decided to look into going on overseas exchange.
I would spend weeks researching, emailing and waiting for replies that never came.
I came up against roadblocks and disappoitnments almost every step of the way
Until I finally let it all go. 

About a year ago,
I heard of a scholarship program that funded Social Work students to go to Europe
It was a semester of normal classes accompanied by a research project in community development.
now . . .
I've always had this crazy dream of creating my own social work service
perhaps in a third world country or in a refugee camp . . .
where  people could access mental health services, a bible school and a nursing station  
all in the one clinic.

could this be the training for it?
I put in my application
and waited, prayed and waited and prayed.

Now to backtrack a little. . . 
when I got back from Canada at the beginning of the year
I set about planning my next volunteering trip for this summer. 
I had no peace about the planning or researching, but just felt the word "Wait" impress itself upon my heart.

I left it, waiting for June/July holidays to see if an opportunity were to arise then.
June/July came and I had volunteering programs in India, Vietnam, Nepal, Thailand, Hawaii 
layed out in my cards.
Which to pick?
But still, I found I had no peace. Only the word "wait".
Flights came on sail and I watched, frustrated as the opportunity sailed on by.

Uni came to a close a few weeks ago. 
I waited to hear back from my exchange scholarship application. 
The emails were sent out  . . .
I didn't get it.
Alrighty, then, I thought, my training ground must be here.
Granted, something didn't feel right about the whole situation
but I knew
if God had wanted me there, He would lead me there.
If God wanted me here,
 I knew full well He would close every other possible door.

I now had a summer to prepare for.
A summer where I worked 2 out of the 7 days per week.
I put in job applications for a second job everywhere
I looked up volunteering opportunities here in Perth.
Nothing came together, nobody responded,
And I just felt again, "Wait."
I prayed "God, I have a lot of time and money on my hands . . . it's going to go to waste if you don't tell me what to do soon! "


one week ago, I recieved an email from the exchange co-ordinator.
What could it possibly be?!
"Hi Kate, there is now a position available to go to Arhus, Denmark on exchange".
I felt the floor cave in beneath my feet.

I couldn't believe it.

I phoned my the girl who had recieved the scholarship instead of me to find out what had happened.
Due to reasons that I won't go into, she simply couldn't take it and handed it to me.

I tuned my heart into God to find out what to do next.
"Now go."

I text my parents straight away
Mum was the best.
My family told me I'd be crazy not to go.

In the past week,
I've had co-ordinators bending over backwards to process my application as soon as possible.
In my last meeting this afternoon, the exchange lady said 
"Kate this is the fastest application I've ever processed. Everything has fallen straight into place."
My social work co-ordinator said
"It looks as though this must have just meant to be for you!"

If only they knew. 

The two verses that kept me grounded throughout the year-long waiting period were

Psalm 12.5 "As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore."


Deuteronomy 22.12 "Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him, for He shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders."

My greatest joy would not be in travelling,
or even a summer of productivity.
My greatest joy would be savouring Jesus in my daily life in Perth

Those verses were foundational for me throughout this entire year
And they have taken on a whole new meaning as I prepare to move to Denmark for 6 months in January.

God is so faithful.

The cherry on top is that the Danish Immigration Service just changed their protocol in May : 
I can no longer apply for a student visa from here in Perth.
I need to fly to Sydney and visit the Danish consulate to record my fingerprints and get my photo taken.
I get to visit my best friend whom I haven't seen in almost a year.
And probably wouldn't see for at least another year
with all this 'Waiting' upon my heart every time I tried to plan a trip!
I get to visit and stay with her for 3 glorious days.

God is so faithful. 

Minutely, but nevertheless,
the Social Work co-ordinator whom I've been working with to process my application
is maybe the only lecturer who I wasn't on overly good terms with.
I had her as my tutor in my first year . . .where I was the kind of student
who never attended lectures, barely payed attention in class and achieved pettiful grades.
It was only in my second year that I pulled my laces up tight and kicked my butt into action
approaching social work with the passion and conviction to which I was called.
But I never had her as my tutor again. . . 
and I kind of hoped that she didn't remember me as that student
Well, I've been working so closely with her lately,
I think she knows me a bit better now for who I am now.
Not that it matters so much from a reputational point of view, 
but as a professing christian I would hope my lecturers noticed a different work ethic.

So that's it!
My flights to Sydney are booked,
I'm on first name basis with Getti from the Danish consulate in Sydney (she's lovely) 
I am currently arranging a crash course in Danish language
and am sorting out where I'm going to be living on campus.
I think my dreams may actually be coming true.

Nicole is planning to fly to Europe in June or July, God willing 
to do some summer travelling and explore Europe together!
Ness and Ness, take on the world third time round. 

I can't wait to travel around on canoes  

ride bikes around the university town


and visit weird quirky restaurants like this Alice in Wonderland number

 most of all, though,
I can't wait to learn all the educational lessons God would have me learn
to fulfill the dreams I believe He has placed on my heart

and to have the incredible opportunity to explore the hidden treasures in this amazing world!

I will be moving to Arhus, which is just under Randers.

and  oh! I hope I get to see these guys:

 whaaat! ? It's worth dreaming, right!
 If there's one thing I've learnt - man may plan his way, but the Lord determines his steps!
Princess Mary and Prince Frederik, I hope to see you soon.


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