Thoughts in the air

Im about to start a 2 week study tour of Israel, and I'm writing in the sky enroute Istanbul.

I've already written pages in my new schnappy journal, but I'll allow a little insight here. 

Im finally to the Holy land, and I want to be moved. I don't even know what that means. But I want to be convicted, inspired and I want to be changed. 

I've run a triathlon of life this year - family, friends, work - three areas that have forced me to develop new muscles, strength and stamina. Painful, exhausting, yet incredibly exciting. But with such intense faith and character development, it's only natural you loose awareness of the world outside your own. 

I've finally come to a place where the dust has begun to settle on those three areas of my life (lest I speak too soon!!) and I'm ready to emerge again.

To feel things outside myself and to be inspired. To be moved deeply. I want to advocate change for a cause that's greater than myself and bigger than my own little world. I want to bring a fire back to Perth in my soul and do SOMETHING, and/or be SOMEONE different. 

know that this may not be sustainable. 

I mean how can it? I'm a full time child protection worker, a girlfriend, a house mate, a friend, a sister and a daughter. Juggling those hats bring me up to full capacity alone! 

But I know. If my heart is willing and God is willing - there'll be a way. I'm fairly sure God cares more about achieving whatever purposes I was created to achieve, than I care to actually participate in those purposes! And if I care a lot, well, there shouldn't be a problem then.

So. I guess, Watch this space ... 

We'll see what lies ahead! 
Side note: WEIRD. Leaving Perth and leaving a bit of your heart behind. Well THATS never happened. 


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