A collection of thoughts

Usually at the end of each semester, I compile a collection of thoughts into a Facebook note and post it to my profile. But since I've found myself withdrawing from social media this year, it seems only fitting to post my notes now to my blog! Perhaps that since nowhere near as many people will see it, I feel so much more free to be honest!

Anyway, as per the usual speel - these are a collection of thoughts that I've jotted down this semester as I've gone through my various activities this semester, from settling back into Perth post travel, to my flurry of uni and extracurricular commitments that have all certainly kept me on my toes!
Hope you enjoy.

If we step out of holiness, integrity and out of the will of God, the opportunities that present are likely to cause anxiety, divided heart and a distracted mind. 
It seems to me that the age of twenty three is an age where people break up, get engaged or get married.

There is a particular strain of pride for the good willed person that must be won in an ongoing battle.

I find it impossible for the one who is guided by God to map out their 5, 10, 15 and 20 year goals. Who are we to tell God that He must tell us now what we are to do for the next two decades? We can, however, be good stewards of that which He has put in our heart and work at it dilligently. Plans and budgets are helpful tools to be good stewards of the dreams that God placed in our lives. In doing this, we need always acknowledge that our lives are as vapour, held completely by God and acknowledge that they will only come into fruition if it is what the Lord wills.

I have ‘nothing’ but I possess everything.

Every time I see and console a friend going through a breakup, I quietly thank the Lord He has spared me of this heartache. I really hope I never have to go through it!

Moth and rust may strip us of our relationships, health, wealth, friends and family, but if our treasure is fully found in Christ and the eternal, our hope and joy can never be stripped from us. 

May I never forge my way out of the season I’m in. May I never anticipate the next season of my life so much that I don’t live in the rich fullness of today. 

The lures of the enemy rhyme deceptively with truth, but in the end they’re bitter as gall. 

May we never attempt to defend our name or avenge ourselves. God is our avenger and our defender. 

May we always remember ... ‘We never did belong in this world’

Singleness as a treasured gift from God to experience Christ in new and glorious ways that one could never have with a divided heart. I consider it an honour and I hope I never take it for granted.
I find it interesting that people fear getting older and complain about looking older, or time going too fast.  I think that life gets better as you get older. Each day one lives, one can discover Christ in new and glorious ways. Days and weeks are clearly defined as one reflects upon the beauty of life and looks for things to be grateful for. Each day is a unique experience! As for physical ageing - well I think that lines are a beautiful reflection of the life experience and wisdom God has graced us with. Why would one want to hide that?
May we never sell our inheretence in Christ for a loaf of bread, some material pleasure from this world.

May I be a good steward of a night in. 

Food must be put in its right place.

Abstinence for the sake of self discipline unless inspired by the Holy Spirit is legalistic and anxiety provoking. 

He takes our handful of flour and flasks of oil and miraculously feeds many. 

What He tells me in the dark, I declare out in the daylight. The fun part is how. 

When the Lord has delivered them to you, you must destroy them immediately. Purge anything that would tempt you to intermarry with them.

When we are in Him with pure hearts, we have blocked paths protected by thorns; not only to stop us from straying to evil, but to stop evil others from coming in. 

The shield of faith locks in unison with the breastplate of righteousness which protects our hearts.

Die a thousand deaths a day. Speak the truth of the word out loud. Do whatever it takes for the Spirit to have mastery over the flesh.

It is an art to know how to dress modestly but attractively. Kate Middleton knows a thing or two I could learn from!

Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Abide in Him and He will abide in you. No tree can bear fruit by itself. 

May I stay away from the toxic question ‘Why’ and focus on the ‘What’.

When we feel the world choking our seed – we must pray – replace my soil!

Punishment is most severe for those who are most intimate with Christ. The more intimate you are with Christ, the greater consequence for disobedience. 

Research and know your bloodline. You are Royalty. This will impact upon your sense of self, your daily routine, what you wear, who you marry, how you conduct yourself in public, how you conduct yourself in private, your view on sin, your view on contemporary, worldly issues. Know your royalty. Know your inheritance. 

What joy, what peace, what closure, contentedness one has when they discipline themselves to fix their gaze on what is directly before them.

Facebook seems to be a way to either boast in the flesh, or glorify the flesh by venting the flesh. We are to die to both. 

Good friends, good dinner and good conversation are the perfect ingredients for a great night. 

A good thing can turn into idolatry. Then the good thing has become sin.
To break any promise is like breaking a covenant. To slander another is like slandering the image of God.

If my greatest joy was in my current situation, then I could be moody right now. But I revoked the rights to my life a long time ago!

The AWFUL moment when you realise that the ‘chocolate’ bread roll you ate on Air China was actually steamed pork dumpling.

Soul ties must sometimes be rebroken daily. 10 seconds of reminiscing is all it takes to reform again.

Prayer with a friend can be the wind beneath your wings that take you to the destination. 

It is tempting to fret about as the realisation of a situation in life unfolds. But we forget – God saw this happening ‘long’ ago, and has cleared a path just for us. He has all the walking equipment to ensure it a fulfilling journey. 

If we aren't walking in joy along with the renewing of our mind – we must consider whether our minds are really being renewed. We may in fact just be legalistic, pitiful sad puppets. 

Gazing upon the glorious ski fields this afternoon, I am reminded that God orchestrated them to have those exact features, just as He orchestrated me to have these exact circumstances. How awesome. 

It is a glorious thing to wake up as a free woman.

Music sets the mood for the soul. Books set the standard to live by. We must be so discerning and disciplined.
Better a few friends of good character than several of bad.

Once the thought of truth is dropped into our heart to speak, we are responsible to speak it. 

We must maintain the condition of our temple's foundation, walls and roof. We must take certain care to invest into quality material for the Holy Spirit that dwells within us.

May we never pass up the feast of God in the quiet place for a candybar found in front of a 'good novel' or the latest TV show.  

Well that's all folks! I'll probably have a few more over the next few days, I always do when I post these, so stay tuned!

This is the wall of a quirky cafe that we visited in Kamloops, Canada back in January. People could slip Post-It notes into the cracks of the wall for people to read. I posted a few of these thoughts here before taking a photo.


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