thirty thousand words: my week in pictures
I got a new teapot for my birthday! Nothing like Sunday night tea and bikkies
I rolled out of bed one morning this week, checked the weather and it was to be 2 degrees for my walk! Groan!
But nothing beats early morning walks listening to Chris Tomlin, to begin the day with thankfulness in my heart. "Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it" Ps118.24
Getting drenched on another morning walk!
I love coming home to breakfast and the Word
A year today since this photo was taken with my best friend
and I got a package!!
When you can't be bothered grating cheese, Kraft cheese singles simply work.
I have just been told at my Rotary Club meeting that they are building a 1km square telescope in outback WA that will help them see back in time, to the Big Bang!
Mum and I put on a Garage Sale Fundraiser over the weekend
for a tiny orphanage in Chiang Rai that Mum's church supports.
We went around to local stores and businesses
and got these items donated for a gift hamper!
On Sunday afternoon as we were packing up the 3/4 stuff we hadn't sold, an African Lady came and asked if we would donate the rest to her sea container that she is shipping off to Africa on Friday, back to the refugee camp that she came from.
We didn't have to figure out what to do with it, and her prayers had been answered.
When you do the Lords' work, miracles happen.
Nicole up for her 70's party!
And settled down for a quiet night in.
I would really like this Empire State building in my bedroom.
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