my daily bread
a godly woman is a woman of faith.
everything a woman of faith does is brought under the discipline of the cross. she is not her own, she has relinquished the rights to herself.
eating from faith means that the act of consuming a meal is done with thanksgiving, and self control.
When we eat from thanksgiving, we are
What the scripture says:
At the beginning The Last Supper, Jesus gave thanks for the bread.
Jesus then broke the bread and said:
1 Corinthians 6.12
"Everything is permissible for me"-but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"--but I will not be mastered by anything".
Romans 12.1
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship.
I think that
this is quite important to understand
If you haven't already gathered from my previous posts, i do not believe in diets!I think that they are bad ! Any behaviour that is not rooted in faith is sin. Diets are rooted in vanity and gaining the approval of man.
But if we as believers can get a hold of treating our bodies well - being good stewards of that which God has given us...
If we can understand that our bodies are temples of the holy spirit and houses all that enables us to serve Him ,
then why would we want to pollute them with sugar and chemicals, not to mention stretching them to their limit with gluttenous portion sizes?
if we as believers can understand that food was created by God to be recieved by us in thanksgiving,
then why would we want to rush through our meals? Why would we sit vacantly in front of the TV and act as though something spiritual were not taking place?
I think when we adopt this biblical perspective of "dieting" well then we will be accepting food for it's true place in our lives, and we will naturally take the physical form that we were created to have - every nook, cranny and curve!
How freeing and glorious!
We are not our own, we belong to the King and reside in His glorious vine. Therefore, everything aspect of our lives must take root out of our faith in him. Including our eating practices. Including the food we consume.
We are not our own, we are royalty, we have been bought at a price with the blood of Jesus Christ. May everything we do be sanctified in Him, through Him and by Him.
Just some thoughts that have been milling around my head this week.
And this is the breakfast that inspired me to actually write a post about it!
(Side note: I tried to post this to instagram, but my app wouldn't open up. Sometimes things like that happen to me. Actually, they happen quite frequently. I try to take it with a grain of salt, but sometimes I think God is directing me to or away from things. I couldn't post the photo, so I wrote a blog)
I would have titled it:
Saving for travel doens't mean you can't make it!
everything a woman of faith does is brought under the discipline of the cross. she is not her own, she has relinquished the rights to herself.
eating from faith means that the act of consuming a meal is done with thanksgiving, and self control.
self control.
The expression of gratitude.When we eat from thanksgiving, we are
careful to say grace
eating slowly, savouring each mouthful
drinking slowly, appreciating each sip
grateful in our hearts for the food he has provided
thankful for the company we have
desiring and nurturing edifying conversation
What the scripture says:
1 corinthians 11.20-29:
"Why do you eat without waiting for anybody else?At the beginning The Last Supper, Jesus gave thanks for the bread.
Jesus then broke the bread and said:
this is my body,
which is for you;
do this in rememberance of me
He then took the cup and said
this cup is the new covenant in my blood;
do this,
whenever you drink it,
in rememberance of me.
If you do this, then whenever you eat or drink you are remembering.
If you don't remember, you are consuming in an unworthy manner".
SELF CONTROL : self-denial: the act of denying
yourself; controlling your impulses
When we eat with self control, we
know our portions sizes
stop at the right amount
are enslaved by nothing.
We know that
our bodies are a living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is our spiritual act of worship
We therefore
are careful to ingest foods which are nutritious to the physical temple of the Holy Spirit,
the physical temple which houses our mind, emotions, intellect ...
So that we are able to live out and complete all He has assigned for us.
What the scripture says:
1 Corinthians 6: 19-20
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is
in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you
were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body".1 Corinthians 6.12
"Everything is permissible for me"-but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"--but I will not be mastered by anything".
Romans 12.1
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship.
I think that
this is quite important to understand
If you haven't already gathered from my previous posts, i do not believe in diets!I think that they are bad ! Any behaviour that is not rooted in faith is sin. Diets are rooted in vanity and gaining the approval of man.
But if we as believers can get a hold of treating our bodies well - being good stewards of that which God has given us...
If we can understand that our bodies are temples of the holy spirit and houses all that enables us to serve Him ,
then why would we want to pollute them with sugar and chemicals, not to mention stretching them to their limit with gluttenous portion sizes?
if we as believers can understand that food was created by God to be recieved by us in thanksgiving,
then why would we want to rush through our meals? Why would we sit vacantly in front of the TV and act as though something spiritual were not taking place?
I think when we adopt this biblical perspective of "dieting" well then we will be accepting food for it's true place in our lives, and we will naturally take the physical form that we were created to have - every nook, cranny and curve!
How freeing and glorious!
We are not our own, we belong to the King and reside in His glorious vine. Therefore, everything aspect of our lives must take root out of our faith in him. Including our eating practices. Including the food we consume.
We are not our own, we are royalty, we have been bought at a price with the blood of Jesus Christ. May everything we do be sanctified in Him, through Him and by Him.
Just some thoughts that have been milling around my head this week.
And this is the breakfast that inspired me to actually write a post about it!
(Side note: I tried to post this to instagram, but my app wouldn't open up. Sometimes things like that happen to me. Actually, they happen quite frequently. I try to take it with a grain of salt, but sometimes I think God is directing me to or away from things. I couldn't post the photo, so I wrote a blog)
I would have titled it:
Saving for travel doens't mean you can't make it!
KATE oh my goodness. THANK YOU for this!!!!