Blessed to be a blessing

Part of my motive in setting up this blog was to solidify the revelations God showed me in my personal quiet times with Him, and to somehow spur others on in encouragement as they read them

Over the past few days, I have had the word stewardship run across my mind and dwell in the back of my thoughts. I think that this concept ties in quite well with what I am about to share.

Stewardship in the original Greek context of the bible was  known as oikonomos: oikos - house; nemos - arrange. This meant that a steward was the manager of a house or estate, a role in which they planned, organised, co-ordinated and maintained the affairs of the house. 

In Acts 2.24, it talks about God owning everything under the heavens and earth, including everything that we posess. We therefore do not 'own' anything, rather we have stewardship over that which God in His mercy and grace has entrusted to us. 

Entrusted it to us, perhaps, to see how we handle it? Let's explore.

In Luke 19.11-27 and Matthew 25.1-30, we learn that everything that we 'own' - our money, time, posessions, talents and abilities are actually only 'entrusted' to us so that we may be fruitful with them. God is not looking to see how well we preserve that which he entrusts us, - in fact hoarding and saving up treasures for ourselves is viewed as irresponsibile in the Kingdom of God. The servants in these parables were rebuked over their lack of productivity and they ended up loosing that which they were trying to save. 

Rather, we must learn, and I go as far to say, choose to be dilligent with what God has entrusted us to. In 2 Timothy 4.6, Paul talks about himself being poured out like a drink offeringYes, we may posess many things, but we must be careful not hold anything with a closed fist...rather we must actively seek to pour ourselves out in a way that serves others.

We are only blessed to be a blessing. 

Everything we own is to be offered back unto God as a gift for him to use for His Kingdom purposes. If we have much money, much generosity will be required of us. If we have much time, much dilligence must be spent in growing in the ways of God. If we have treasured posessions, we must let them go to minister to others like they have ministered to us. Even those whom God has given us in friendship, we must offer them back to God and ask Him to fulfill His purposes in the friendship. Everything must be poured out like a drink offering.

If we could get a hold on this perspective of stewardship, we would not be shaken by anything that threatens to slip from our lives. Oh the freedom we would have if we walked in this!

It really comes down to denying self, and taking up our cross to follow Christ. If we refuse to allow money to slip through our fingers in generously serving others so that we can buy quirky clothes, good quality makeup, or retreat to a luxurious holiday, well then we are living in sin.  
(Romans 14.23: For everything that does not come from faith is sin)
God is faithful - he will at all times give us everything that we need to do his will. If that requires money - He will provide it. If what we want means other people can't benefit from what God has blessed us with, then we need to seriously reflect on who we are living for.

So, I implore you dear friends in Christ, to rid yourselves of hoarding, trusting in riches, gaining wealth dishonestly, an indulgent lifestyle, overworking to be rich, proudful ungodly popularity, all of which stems from your lack of faith.

Ultimately, God wants to entrust us with spiritual responsibilities in the Kingdom. If we can get ahold of becoming responsible stewards in the natural, God will entrust us over things that are of great significance in the Kingdom. (Luke 16.10-19).

May you be blessed and continue on in the faith, knowing that you have brothers and sisters throughout the world undergoing the same kind of sufferings (1 Peter 5.9).


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