Train Tracks

I once read that our lives can be compared to a set of paralell train tracks. One set runs one way, right next to a set which runs the other direction - Whichever set you choose to travel on will determine a unique set of experiences to a given destination. 

If I can draw this to the heart of the believer, I notice that after we are born again in Christ, we are faced with two sets of train tracks within our soul. One track is abiding in the Spirit and being transformed into the glorious image of Christ, and the other paralell track is living in the struggles of the flesh, being affected by all that encompasses brokeness.  Relinquishment of self and obedience to God is what determines which train track our souls take, and the experiences we have in life as we journey toward our ultimate destination. 

Obedience to God and abiding to His word leads to going out in joy, being led forth in peace and being in a place where it seems as though life is bursting out in front of us. (Isaiah 55.12) When we live in obedience to God, no matter what our circumstances look like, we can be sure that this is His will for us right now, and that His will is always good, perfect and acceptable (Romans 12.2). What life! What joy! What peace! We can therefore be assured that any limitations prohibiting us from what we think we need are for our ultimate happiness. This our sword to fight off the temptation to doubt God's goodness or sovereignty in our lives. Disciplining ourselves to be reverent and thankful toward God brings about such joy, peace and life which steadies the heart, despite the scenery of life.Disobedience is kryptonite to living in the Spirit, and a one-way ticket to a doubting, difficult, despairing and lonely ride.

When we live in obedience to God, we are able to rest in the knowledge that God will provide us people to do life with, something to work at and something to work toward. It may not come in the way we expected it to look like, but God is faithful and will supply everything we need to be productive and to abound in every good work (2 Cor 9.8). We are to seek first the Kingdom of God, and He will provide all that we need ... We do not need to feel as though the buck stops with us to gather  relationships, a good job and a project to work toward  (Matt 6.33). God is faithful, God will provide all that we need, God is in control. As soon as one takes control to map out his own life,  one takes the reigns back and thus unknowingly jump tracks to a life of calculation, control, selfish ambition and ultimately despair.

When we set our minds on things above rather than on earthly things, our lives begin to transform into the glorious image of Christ. We no longer have the same values and priorities of those around us, we no longer feel the same about music, TV, movies, the latest books and we no longer have an apathetic view of sin. In this new life, we identify within ourselves a protectiveness from things that would brand us as the world's own, and a filter to allow only things that would serve the purpose of renewing our mind in Christ. However, this requires daily maintenance! No sooner do we let down this filter that our minds become distracted by our fleshly needs, desires and we become preoccupied with ways to gratify the flesh.  In a brief moment of an ungaurded heart, we can jump train tracks and  become intensely aware of what we lack, what we want, how we've been short changed in God. We must set our mind on Christ, his gloriousness and daily consciously put on the new self.

When we are satisfied with Christ and the manna that we are given in Him, we no longer crave the delicacies we had when we lived in slavery. Everything we think we need that we jump tracks to satisfy - God has already laid out for us today so that we could be filled with Him, immeasureably more than we could have asked or imagined (Eph 3.20). Our manna is with Him and we will never succeed at adequately filling up that which only He said He could. He has the words of affirmation, He has the comforts for your soul, He has the quietness to offer your heart. He created you with specific desires to reveal how all satisfying He can truly be. 

When we are living in the Spirit, we will be known as people who radiate love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. (Gal 5.22). No matter what the situation looks like, there will be a recognisable, tangible, awesome presence about the Child of God who abides in the Spirit. On the contrary, a life that has jumped tracks to live in the flesh will constantly struggle with sexual immorality, impurity, debauchary, idolatry and witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealously, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy, drunkeness, orgies etc (Gal 6.19). Not only will the world recognise us by our fruits, but the way in which we live is completely different to those without the life of Christ. Ensuring that we are living and abiding in obedience to the Spirit means that we are able to live in the fullness of Christ, the satisfaction of Christ and we are able to bear fruitful witness to the gloriousness of Christ.

This 'Train Tracks' metaphor has begun to transform the way that I view my journey throughout life. Every ache, every desire, every longing is a new way for me to experience Christ. I no longer find myself lacking, longing, wishing, hoping, waiting for the next 'season'. Rather, I have found myself being consumed in Christ; finding Him to be all satisfying above anything else. 

But I find it is vital to keep watch over our souls, because the train tracks for the soul are so close! They are paralell! So quick and so subtle - the enemy comes in to throw a spanner into the works and you can find yourself on the opposite set of train tracks living in confusion, lack and disapppointment.  I thought I was foolproof,  living in obedience experiencing joy, peace, contentedness and then BAM!  I can't remember how or when I jumped tracks, it just happened  - I am all of a sudden living in the flesh and alll that lack and disapointment which encompasses living in the flesh! But thanks be to God, who keeps me from living in error, who always leads me back to the triumph in Christ and manifests through me the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. 

Know your Know your achilles' heel and keep a short account. Relinquishing the right to our lives, our plans, our hopes, our dreams, our desires, our secret sins of habit is a powerful way of ensuring obedience to Christ. A small part of yeast works through a whole batch of dough. Have specific verses to combat that which tempts you to jump tracks and fight for your soul! 

"To Him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy - to the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, beforoe all ages, now and forevermore! Amen". 
Jude 1.24


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