I deactivated Facebook!

I just deactivated my Facebook! 

Impulsive? Not sure! 

Can't go wrong? No way! 

More bible time? Heck yes. 

Sharper focus on friendships? Absolutely.

The Lord has been doing some really great work in my heart these past few weeks, so I decided it'd be great to start afresh.. live a bit more simply.  

Besides, my close international friends are only a viber, whatsapp or Australia post away! :)

So (for now) I am a hidden away, free bird!

I'm trusting that The Lord will make all grace abound to me so that in all things at all times, I will have all I need to abound in every good work. Despite the opportunities I risk of loosing without having Facebook. The one who fashioned the stars into being, will so also fashion my social life and social ministry. 

I also made a new Instagram account. So I will continue editing pictures but will only post them here. 


Cheers to the new season ahead!! 

The secret life of kate murray. 

(Sometimes I wish I could have a soundtrack or movie made to my own life). 

Hashtag ridic. 

Love love! 


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